


Amrita Farm is located in Niseko Town, Hokkaido.
We grow Genki, mainly salt tomatoes.
It is a place where “life” is nurtured in harmony between people and nature.

アムリタファームとは About Amrita Farm



Based on the study that “food and the mind are closely related and influence each other,” we started this farm with the desire to “contribute to your mind and body by producing good and energetic food! This is how we started our farm.

*The word “amrita” is an Indian Sanskrit word. In Japanese, it is “nectar. It is believed to be the immortal drink of the gods.

取り組み  effort


The crops we offer are chemical pesticide free, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide free. We cultivate soil with the help of compost, organic matter, and microorganisms. We also try various other methods to improve the immunity of both people and plants, thereby creating a body that is less prone to disease, and we are committed to farming in which both people and nature cooperate with each other.

My Story

森⁈ 耕作放棄地を再開墾!

Forest⁈ Reclaimed abandoned land!
Amrita Farm started with one house.
The owner of the farm is a snowboarder, and the owner is a stage actress.
The owner is a snowboarder and the wife is a stage actress.
The farm pursues crops that benefit the body and soul and a way of life.
